Everyone looks forward to the weekend – there’s plenty of time to spend with your family and cook a wholesome meal for your loved ones. How about prepping up a gourmet meal at home? Since we are living in uncertain and tragic times, it is best to stay in, order some fresh meats, and cook delicacies at home.
If you’re living in Montreal Quebec, Papa Earth Organic Meat will deliver the freshest and the most delectable meat. The question is – What are you going to cook this weekend? We have listed some of the most delish meat dishes that you can prep up. Here’s a quick sneak peek of what you CAN cook.
#1 Stuffed Jalapeno Juicy Firecrackers
This lip-smacking dish is easy to make. All you need is cream cheese, bacon, jalapenos, toothpicks, and cajun. The sweetness and cheesiness of the cream cheese along with the fatty and comforting flavors of the bacon will blow your mind. Yes, bacon can be fattening, but weekends are all about comfort food.
#2 Roasted Turkey Legs
Yummy! Even if it isn’t Christmas or Thanksgiving, you need to make the delicious roasted turkey legs. It is a delectable dish with all kinds of flavors.
The whole family can enjoy this meal on a weekend. It takes a fair bit of time – but here’s a chance to bond with your family and make something sumptuous.
You can serve it with some dressing, noodles, or rice.
#3 Teriyaki Marinade Chicken
Teriyaki chicken is a favorite of most people. Look up the recipe for this beautiful dish and prep it up. You can use a steak as well instead of using chicken. Make sure you leave the marinade for at least 2 hours before grilling the meat.
Soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger, onion flakes, and Worcestershire sauce are needed for this recipe. You can get fresh whole chicken or steak from Papa Earth Organic Meat for this recipe. In fact, the store has all kinds of meats, so feel free to try out all the dishes listed here.
#4 Pork Sausage with Sunny Side up Eggs
Sausages and sunny-side-up eggs are satisfying. This popular breakfast will never get old or boring.
You just need a glass of fresh orange juice, some cut fruits, and croissants to go with it.
If you’re trying to find fresh pork sausages, Papa Earth is there to deliver the goodies.
Summing up
We hope this quick post was yummy and inspiring. Feel free to try out all the dishes – the last option doesn’t require a lot of effort.
Make sure the meat is fresh and sourced from a good store.
Treat your family this weekend with a sumptuous meal.