Signs that You’re a Difficult Person and What to Do

People who are persistently difficult, in my experience, are unaware of how they are seen by others and have convinced themselves that it is other people who are the problem, not themselves. They appear to have their own reasons for acting or saying what they do, and that reason is usually linked to someone else’s poor behavior.

Those of us who have a higher level of self-awareness takes the time to consider our part in various situations and attempt to make personal modifications in the future. Difficult people, on the other hand, rarely pause to consider their role and how their actions affect those around them, perpetuating their behaviors and breaking relationships. When you want to confirm, take a quiz at and find out easily.

  • You’ve only made a few contacts at work

If others don’t engage with you outside of work, it could be a clue that you’re a tough person. People usually have a few coworkers with whom they have lunch, chat in the hallways, or send personal items during the workday. If you don’t have that, or if you have on-again, off-again relationships with coworkers, you can be thought of as a difficult person. What you should do: Inquire about feedback from a supervisor or a friend. It may not concern you that you only have a few intimate relationships, and that is just acceptable.

  • You have a sense of being left out

Some people will be straightforward with you, but the majority will simply avoid giving you any comments. Because they are afraid of the person’s reaction, people avoid tough coworkers and don’t provide criticism. What to do: If you have gotten unsolicited comments, take the time to analyze it carefully. If you haven’t gotten any feedback, ask for it.

  • You’re quickly enraged

This becomes a problem when you are frequently enraged by a variety of situations and people. If you are at variance with multiple employees and feel that you are constantly at odds with them. What should I do? Examine your feelings. If you’re easily enraged over a variety of things and can’t seem to let go of your rage, you need to figure out what’s causing your problems. Being easily enraged about a variety of issues may rapidly earn you the reputation of being a difficult person.

If you have meetings, your boss may inform you in person, but if not, this information may be incorporated into your annual performance assessment. It could be stated plainly or masked as something else, such as teamwork. The amount of time or information your boss gives you depends on how directive they are.

Ricky Mulhall