Your Guide to Finding Your Foot Type

When it comes to feet, every person has a different shape. And this is one of the primary reasons why no two people feel the same way about their similar-sized Yeezy foam runner bone white.


But, thankfully, by learning the uniqueness of your feet, you can find elusive shoes that fit you comfortably and allow better foot movement. 


In this blog, we will share a few facts and even provide some valuable strategies to help you find the right shoes for your foot shape. 


1- Pronation types

Pronation is your feet’ natural rotation when you place your feet on the ground while running or walking. Everyone falls in either one of these pronation types:


  • As a pronator type, your feet will roll inwards while running and walking—people with heavier footfall into this category.
  • As a supinator type, your feet will roll outwards while running and walking. 
  • If you are a neutral type, then your feet may land heel-first while rolling forwards to distribute the impact evenly. 


You can quickly check your pronation type by checking the wear and tear on your current shoes. 


2- Arches

Your feet’s arch also plays a massive role in determining the feet’ shape. Arches can also impact the direction in which your foot rolls. Here are three different arch types:


  • If the middle part of your arch caters to half in your footprint, it suggests that you have a neutral arch, meaning your feet roll as they must. 
  • Does your footprint look like a complete foot? Well, that means you have a flat arch. Such feet roll excessively inwards.
  • If you notice a tiny arc area on your footprint, it suggests that you have a high arch. It also means your feet roll inwards.


3- Length and width

Length and width are the things people typically consider when buying a new shoe. But you must know that every shoe has a different proportion. 


Some brands fit best for narrow feet people, while others are meant for the wide and medium foot. 


So, make sure that you know your feet’ measurements properly before making the purchase.


4- Foot volume

Similar to how length and width are two dimensions, the foot’s volume is the third dimension you must consider. 


Different parts of the feet have other volumes. You can observe by sectioning the feet into the toe area, midfoot area, and instep area. 


If shoes tend to be loose, you may have lower foot volume, and if they are tight, you may have higher foot volume.


5- Shape of the foot and toes

There are around six toe types:


  • Steep slope
  • Gentle slope
  • Square feet
  • Mountain feet
  • Plateau 2
  • Plateau 3


If your feet don’t fit into these types, you may have unique feet. 


Over to you

So, wait no more and use this blog as a guide to finding yourself a perfect pair of shoes. 


You can also connect with Hype Your Beast to invest in some popular shoe make and models like Yeezy Foam Runner Bone White
